Is Modern Life Making Us Weaker Or Stronger? w/ Brett & Harry | MMP #365

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365 - B&H

[00:00:00] Brother. My man. Happy Monday. Dude, we're back at it. How are you? I'm doing well. Getting in the rhythm of doing these Monday pods. I love it. Dude, it's amazing. I didn't even see you much this weekend outside of church. Just went ghost mode. You need ghost mode every once in a while. Dude, I thrive on ghost mode.

How was the weekend for you? Dude, it was good. Honestly, pretty low key. Just like, I think trying to slow down a little bit more on the weekends and just like allowing that to be sort of a part of the creative process totally is huge. Just keeping it blocked off just for personal time and fill yourself up with the things that are going to make you feel really good heading into the week.

Yeah. Just like clean, cook some good food. Um, I've been trying to be more intentional, like Sunday mornings, just like getting a coffee with people. So just having that blocked off for going out and like getting a coffee and having some deep conversation, which I think is also important, just like spending one on one time with people that I'm not usually spending one on one time with.

It's been good. By coffee, you mean the holy cow smoothie from Sun Life [00:01:00] Organics? Dude, how good is it? Dude, 50 grams of protein. It's been fun just seeing that pop up on the menu. When, when was the first time you had it? When we went into the shoot, I did it, um, the week before we did that, that shoot to launch it just to like do some of the R and D stuff on it.

And they had a peanut butter flavor of it and an almond butter flavor. I just love peanut butter, so you can't go wrong with it. You couldn't go wrong. They both tasted great. Give the back story on Sun Life and just how important it's been for Noble. Just that relationship and us now officially having a smoothie live there.

Oh yeah, so Sun Life Organics is this unbelievable, High end organic smoothie shop. There's uh, 17 locations around the country. There's such a sucker for their bowls We've probably spent five grand a piece over the last two years and some of the best five grand we've ever spent 100 Um, and we were fortunate we had khalil rafati their founder on the podcast We had him on about a year ago.

Yeah, [00:02:00] and um, that was actually the first to my knowledge, when we first moved to Austin three years ago, that was like the first brick and mortar store I remember going to in Austin. And when you go to a Sun Life, they pick like the best locations. The vibe is just like impeccably curated and cultivated.

And it just makes you feel good when you're in there. Let alone the smoothies are absolutely delicious. And, um, we met him in an event last year, like quickly became friends with him. And, um, He believed in the vision with noble was like probably investor number three and has just like gone above and beyond to just help us grow the brand, be a friend, be a mentor, give us tough advice when you need tough advice.

And um, they've been so supportive that they actually launched a smoothie collab where you can get the holy cow smoothie with our noble protein powder in it, which is pretty special. So cool. Yeah. It's so cool walking in there and seeing the noble bags. Um, yeah. Yeah, I feel like living in awe is such a powerful thing, just being amazed by [00:03:00] stories and just how we've gotten where we are.

And Sun Life for me is like a perfect example of me being just in awe of how many relationships and conversations that I've had inside that place and outside that place that have been meaningful. Like when I got down here, that's where I met up with Justin Mares, who for some miraculous reason I got connected to was.

Applying to work with him was potentially gonna partner with him. It's just like this It's bit that was like a huge veil that was like lifted for me creatively Which was just like having this conversation with Justin When I was still working in my corporate job that eventually led to me quitting, which eventually led to me getting more entrepreneurial and trying to make things happen for myself.

And like, I think about Sun Life, that's where I met up with him for the first time. That's where we had our first investor talks with Khalil and just like so many good things have happened at that location. So I just live in awe because I'm like, this place [00:04:00] is just kind of the center of everything for us.

Yeah. I think if you can, yeah. I feel like the goal number one is if you can become a person that creates serendipity for other people, that's really powerful. And. Goal number two would be to just, if you're not that person yet, or you want to become that person, go to places where serendipity will like just naturally occur right in front of you.

And those tables out front of Sun Life South Congress are the perfect example of that. Like we've met investors there, made great friends there, had some just incredible memories and conversations. And I feel like that's a hundred percent what that place is to both of us. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like, um, Us having been doing the podcast for a while, recently starting to build out a studio for ourselves and having these conversations, conversations around how important the actual spaces that you record in has opened my eyes to like how cool the spaces that Sun Life is, like how it facilitates, it just naturally facilitates these.

relationships and It's in such a unique part of Austin It [00:05:00] literally feels like the center of Austin and I feel like the environment that they've created like like a good podcast studio Can just like create amazing conversation. Yeah, there's so many conversations that We've either been a part of or have been lucky to listen into where it's like Should have just had two microphones there because it would have been a banger podcast just like life advice a hundred percent.

Yeah Yeah, like some of those conversations with Gina who's opening the den in Austin, which is gonna be a wellness center She's like Him speaking to us. And I feel like, I don't know, I just particularly remember him like getting us really excited and encouraged about what we were doing with Noble and the podcast and even Jane Steph, like the way that they got excited about the product and, and us and, and just like the things that we were doing, it's just, I don't know, there's something about that place that just is like vibrant.

Yeah. Super positive. Vibrant is, is the perfect way to describe it. We were, we were talking in the car right over here. We don't have much of a script for this episode, which I think is cool. [00:06:00] Honestly, just like organic conversations, cool way for us to catch up, share thoughts and learnings with the listener.

Um, but we were talking about our excitement around, um, the episode that we're going to record over the next couple of weeks. Just what you, the listener should know in context of the food system with the election coming up. Cause I think there's a lot of smoke and mirrors out there. I think there's a lot of morsels of information that people don't know that they should know.

So we're excited to dig into that. But I've just been having some just kind of like general reflections on the state of the U S in general and just like the super heightened climates. And we had a pretty good discussion about this at dinner at a Nick's place, our buddy Nick's place the other night. And I'm curious when you just kind of look at the overall state of affairs of the U S is there any like hidden alpha that you think about that maybe a lot of people aren't focusing on that you're focusing on that you feel like is maybe Responsible for just the state that we're currently in right now Hmm, I feel like the truth [00:07:00] stands on its own, but a lot of times it's really hard to find the truth In a sea of all a lot of noise.

So the way I see that playing out in everyday life is just having really good relationships. So when I think about the future of like the podcast and our business with noble and our business with growth mafia, we're entrepreneurs. We have a stake in the future of what's happening in this country and the state of Texas, just like, what can we create that will provide for our families in the future through these businesses that we're.

And I think the business climate has gotten really hard for a lot of people. But one of the things that I've kind of realized and maybe gotten, uh, I don't want it to feel like a false sense of comfort comfort But like I think our relationships that we have are truly special And it's not something to rest on but I do feel like through challenging times those relationships will be Not just something where we're like able to withstand the hard [00:08:00] times from like a financial perspective and a business perspective, but like truly have people to lean on as we're going through different phases of growth.

So I just think, yeah, kind of like peeling back the political nature of like what's happening in the world. I just think the importance of local relationship relationships is incredibly important. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, that's, that's so well said. And when you're, when you're speaking, I'm thinking about like just the ways that I think myself, both of us are just like mentally preparing like number one, the security blanket of like having God in a relationship in Christ and just knowing that it's his will and whatever it's going to happen, whatever's going to happen will happen and we'll be okay.

Number two, like having those amazing relationships to go to and that support system is massive. And then number three, from like just the general, like, perspective, I always go back to, um, I forget the book that it was in, but it basically was talking about this particular topic and it [00:09:00] made a list of all these amazing companies over the last a hundred years.

And, um, so many of them, like 80 percent of them were started. In periods of recession or even depression too. So it's like, regardless, there is only so much control that we can have. But if you're a founder entrepreneur, you work for another company, like great businesses are constantly born regardless of the circumstance that we're currently facing.

Totally. Yeah. I think from like using like a sports analogy, it's like, You know, these difficult times are basically like the, you know, peak, um, like, it's like making it to the major leagues. Like it's the most challenging performance that you'll have to put on. So when times do get easier and things do get better, you're ready to, to pounce.

I think a lot of it is just spirit driven. I think that that's like, you know, you hear people say like the entrepreneurial spirit, the spirit is very important to like having success in business. I think it's so easy to get down on yourself. I know i've been there and you've been there too where it's just like man [00:10:00] Stuff just isn't going our way or you know It's like easy to kind of play the victim But I think one of the gifts that you and I both have is just the gift of perspective and perseverance uh, it's kind of like how the show started was doing the iron man together and just That gift of endurance and being able to grit through stuff So it kind of excites me honestly to I would never wish for like hard times or bad times But I mean, I don't think hard times are bad times You I think hard times make us who we're destined to be.

Yeah. I mean the hardness of COVID really opened people's eyes to truth and our show wouldn't exist as a result of COVID. All these businesses, all these people that created brands on social media, um, that's born out of the result of a hard time. Like you're talking about, there's like a lot of beauty and like, This unseen gold that comes as a result of those things too.

So it's like, maybe you should look at it as like the hardness will produce those good times that you're talking about. Totally. I [00:11:00] also, dude, this morning I was just, I was kind of, I was just oscillating between like feeling, I was getting this urge to like, I didn't get my, my work out of this morning. So I was like mentally a little caged up and I just had this like fire where I was like, I just kept thinking about the word trailblazer And this idea that like we need more of that like pioneering spirit like people who literally just want to like go into the jungle and blaze a trail and I don't know just thinking about that idea and trying to like Like visualize that and contextualize that in our own way.

It's like how many people Can be impacted by this conversation alone where we look back and it's like oh, man People actually got inspiration from this to the point where they started taking action in their own life and doing things in a different way in accordance with a different Paradigm a different set of beliefs than they did before they listen to this conversation so I just like I was thinking about that idea like trailblazer and I feel like that relates [00:12:00] to both of our like Energy and how we try to put ourselves out there It's like we know that we're gonna like take some shots and get kicked in the teeth every now and then but like we want To be the guys who are like hacking down the first tree to blaze a new path when you um When you close your mind, close your eyes, and think about the word.

Close mind every day. It's closed, right? Yes, it is. It's already closed. Um, what, uh, when you think about the word trailblazer, if your eyes are closed, like what kind of comes to mind? Like, what was like, what were the visuals in your head that you were coming back to or what was hitting you? It was more so, like, personifying.

So thinking about, like, Teddy Roosevelt and the Churchills and the Explorers over to America, you know, the Amerigo Vespucci's and the Christopher Columbus's just people who are legitimately Faced with life and death risk. Yeah [00:13:00] Dude, I've gotten like I just think that's where we're supposed to live. Mm hmm, you know, like we're supposed to live with that feeling A little bit more than I think we're used to and I think that hard times obviously bring that bring more people into that field of feeling like there's Some like level of hey, I actually need to survive out here to make this thing work um, I know it's challenging for it's challenging times for a lot of people and we we've uh, Got each other to lean on but I I do just I get that feeling that like we should be living in this that little Area of life where you're supposed to just kind of like have your back against the wall Yeah, we were talking about this last week.

I mean, I don't think it's possible for you to have asymmetric reward without asymmetric risk And it's not like fetishizing the concept of just taking risk just to take risk But no, I think you make such a good point Like you think the grout like the gravitas of the situations behind what? Someone like a [00:14:00] Teddy Roosevelt was dealing with, like losing his mom and his, his mom and his wife on the same exact day.

And, uh, you know, isolating himself out in the frontier and just exploring and hunting bison and getting his mind right. And then being one of the youngest presidents ever. And, you know, Winston Churchill literally dealing with like the weight of the world, literally on his shoulders of like good versus evil and all these men that You look up to and it's like you look up to them directly in proportion to the weight that they bared in the way that They were able able to overcome that and achieve that like maximum potential or whatever The word is that you want to use to describe it.

It's super interesting a hundred percent I think the best of our ability like though, I think trying to navigate the world With full faith. Yeah, there are powers of good and evil and that We can pull into this conversation right now, like the strength of people like Churchill and, uh, you know, Roosevelt and [00:15:00] just like, there's importance to everything that we're doing.

And I think if you're not feeling that, if you feel like the stuff you're doing is important, you should do it. Stop doing it. Yeah, and start doing stuff that feels important because like when we sit down to hit record I feel like we're doing something important when we are working on noble. I feel like we're doing something important We're working on growth mafia stuff.

I feel like we're doing stuff that's important and That allows me to like feel like none of it's like pretend. It's like let's get after it. Let's go Let's yeah kind of move this thing forward and I just feel like You know, I've been through periods of my life where that wasn't real, and you can't fake that.

Yeah, it's really easy to Like romanticize the exit and like the selective bias around just some of the, the, the pain and the struggles to achieve that exit for sure. Like we've had a number of founders on that have sold brands for incredible multiples that have put their heart and soul into it. And how many times have we heard about them?

Like the bank account was basically at zero. They didn't know how they were going to pay rent, remortgaging the house. [00:16:00] Like you, you almost forget about that, like that risk that they took. Which got them that exit and um, at our friend Nick's dinner, Nick was talking about the fact that he was just conceptualizing the actual signing of the Declaration of the Independence and how many men that signed that, you know, we're both 30.

A lot of the men that signed that were younger than us and like, you know, you hear about it And it's like this incredibly patriotic romantic thing But you think about the actual weight that was associated with that decision of creating that document Creating this experiment known as the united states and like what the stakes were if they ended up losing the revolutionary war It's actually wild to think about it's crazy.

Yeah, where do you think you would have been back then? Like do you think you would have been in like had the courage to be in a room like that? I, I just, I, it's probably one of the things that I pray the most about is like, I try to not pray for, and I don't know if this is right or wrong, but I'm trying, I just noticed when I was younger, I would pray for more like things, not [00:17:00] material things, but I guess some material things, but things in my life to go well.

And I find that recently I've, outside of praying for other people, just praying for certain characteristics that I deem to be worthy of a godly man. And I think courage is probably, One of the biggest themes that sticks out in terms of my prayers. So I would, I pray that have I, had I been faced with that situation that I would be one of those men that like boldly was, would sign a document like that.

But I just don't want to arm, armchair quarterback and be like, oh, that would have definitively be, been me. Yeah. Do you feel like your definition of success has changed through kind of going after what we're going after? And just build the things that we're building. We talked about this a little bit in, um, one of our solo podcasts.

But when I, when I turned 30, I think I was still married to this like old definition that I had had around, like what I was hoping to achieve by the time I was 30 and it was like metrics around. or maybe things that would be deemed nice and successful by [00:18:00] society. But what I've rested my head on is that, um, it success to me is just a, it's a feeling like it's a feeling of within those 24 hours that I had, or however many hours that I had awake, that the closest version to a hundred percent of Brett, was materialized within that, within that day.

And it's nothing material. I'm just trusting and I have faith in the fact that if I can unlock a hundred percent of Brett or a hundred percent of Harry, that score is going to ultimately take care of itself materially, financially, the, your ability to provide for your family. I really just, I, I think it's almost like a law of nature that God has created where it's like, Oh, the outcome doesn't matter.

Just trust in the process. But I think that if you have that mindset in a bizarre way, The process, the result will be really fruitful to you too. Yeah. What do you think about that? Yeah. A hundred percent. I've always, I felt that way in sports a lot. You know, I would, I think there's, there's this amazing power in visualization and [00:19:00] really just seeing the outcomes, trying to see the outcomes before they happen, but you also need to, sports that I like, baseball, golf, um, like, I mean, those are kind of the two that come to mind.

Absolutely. The harder you try doesn't necessarily make the outcome any better. Like for football. Yeah. I'm like, maybe it's like hit the guy harder, whatever. But for golf, if you're just sitting there and there's so much mental mastery that that goes into the game, that if you're thinking about playing harder, odds are you're going to have worse outcomes.

Yeah. So you really do need to sit in this, this place of I've done the work. The work was done before I even got on the course. Now it's time to just like let that fullness of that preparation come through. And how do I do that? It's not trying to overly engineer an outcome. It's every single shot's a new one.

And let me just step up to this ball and try to like [00:20:00] basically get your thoughts to neutral and zero. So I think about that in the context of life. And it's like, Well, yeah, golf is very much like the game of life. You know, there's, there's times where you hit the ball, stripe it down the middle of the fairway, and then your next shot, you know, you would have prayed the last hole that you hit it on the fairway and you hit it in the rough.

And then from the rough, you went on the green, but then the next hole you're in the fairway and you hit it into the bunker. And it's like, yeah, it's this game of every shot is. You know, indicative of, um, just like what you did previously, you just need to approach each shot as if it were brand new. Yeah.

So yeah, it's funny. All these metaphors that come from. Things like doing sports and just other activities. And you forget the fact that like, no, the same principles that made you successful on those particular shots of that day, golf actually apply to your business or whatever venture you're pursuing in life too.

It's weird how we think these things are mutually exclusive when they're way more intertwined than we realize. Totally. Yeah. I mean, I, do [00:21:00] you feel this way that like sports is massively amplified your capacity as an entrepreneur to just like, To go after things and pursue things in ways that, you know, maybe if you didn't play sports, like how well equipped would you be to be an entrepreneur?

If you didn't play sports? I don't think I would be very well equipped at all. And I also noticed that I think some of the same things that may be mentally plagued me a little bit playing baseball still also plagued me too, which is what I'm working through with Chris, that that coach that I've been working with.

That's an interesting thread to pull on. Yeah. Which is, which is really cool. It's just, it's doing, doing something on your own where I just think the feeling, like sometimes when we go into the office, like almost, I almost view the office or our team is like the embodiment of this force of will from three years ago.

And I just think about this concept of like, when you have something that's, Your own or with your partner, whatever, your own thing. If you don't do work, nothing gets done. And if you [00:22:00] do work, that's like the engine that moves everything forward. And I know it sounds so simple, but when you come from just like a traditional background where the wheel is just going to keep moving and you're just a small cog in that wheel, it's such a, Unique mental model to have.

Yeah, I had, um, we had a mutual buddy once who was dealing with some stuff. He was going through a hard time and I was giving him this analogy. I actually, I didn't really know at the time, but it's actually like a, I don't know the name of it, but it's like a Greek story. Uh, some mythological story of a guy pushing the boulder up the hill.

Oh, Sisyphus, Sisyphus. And so. I was just giving him that analogy. Like that's us on a daily basis when, when you're in a job that doesn't require you to be pushing boulders up, up the hill, you can coast. And so, yeah, I think about that a lot. It's like when I was explaining it to our, our mutual friend, I was just like, dude, like if you want to make progress in anything, you've got to just like, you know, push that boulder up the hill.

Yeah. Just like, it's [00:23:00] not going to move if you don't do it. And there's ways that you can. Almost like self manufacture that Sisyphean will, or whatever you want to call it, where like, I think Sisyphean, I like that. I'm gonna just say it's a word. . Sounded. Sounded sharp. . We need shirts that just say Sisyphean.

So I don't know Husman for that. Yeah. Husman just, I love . Um. I think that like a good example of manufacturing that is even, um, like the Chad challenge is probably a great example of that for you where it's like, yeah, you didn't, it doesn't matter what job that you're doing. It's like you do a thousand steps and then you go to bed and then the step count resets to zero and then you're pushing the boulder back up the hill the next day.

Like that's a really cool way to like manufacture that momentum and keep you sharp too. Yeah. It's actually a good point. Cause I've really felt it like. During different periods of the challenge like recently it's been getting a little bit harder and it's all just in my head [00:24:00] It's just in my head though.

It's yeah, I think like it's I've kind of looked like let's Just let more mental friction take take hold take root Hmm, so I'm trying to just figure out ways to kind of like loosen it up and yeah Maybe make it a little bit easier mentally. Yeah Yeah Which has been fun. I think that's like part of the challenge is showing up every day and giving myself that metric where I can come back to and just be like, all right, like this is the same 20 inch box that I'm stepping up on, but it's a hundred times harder today.

Yeah. Get after it. Good luck. Yeah. You know? Yes. Do you, do you think it's harder just purely in terms of like, The physical accumulate accumulation on your legs of doing it 90 days or is it more of just like hey I wish more people were doing this or like What do you think is more challenging for you?

It's a little I would say much less a second. Uh, it's Much more like physical and mental like [00:25:00] just literally stepping up on the box a thousand times a day. It's like You know The lack of variety, I think is probably the biggest thing. You know, I love variety in the gym, doing different workouts and stuff like that.

And I've been sprinkling that in, but the bulk of my workouts for the last three months has just been stepping up on a box. But there's a lot of learnings that have come from that too, right? Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. I really, I'm excited because I think that, you know, I, I kind of want to put an art, I want to put a deadline on it.

I don't want to just go until a thousand. Like I'm gonna say I either like get the goal or don't get the goal like put a time limit on it So i'm gonna do that and i'm gonna Just try to get as many people to do the step ups before I get to a hundred So I basically have two more weeks of this um And i'm just gonna push it as hard as I can try to get groups together for the next two weeks Where I get as close to a thousand as possible.

So if you're listening um, go check out my [00:26:00] instagram because i'm gonna be pushing the You And my Instagram's at me mafia Harry, but I'm going to be pushing it as hard as I can. Just trying to get as many people to do the chat as possible. I think that if you basically more publicly said what you just said, like five minutes ago around Sisyphus and why you're doing the challenge, I feel like people would really gravitate to it because I feel like with the chat, it was one of those things where I feel like you just felt compelled to do it and started doing it on your own before you started the challenge and felt amazing.

And I feel like people. Understood the bigger purpose of what you're talking about. It'd be like, oh, I have to do this. Yeah. Yeah. I'll start I haven't so I feel like I haven't really sold it too much. I'm gonna try to sell it these next few days You're a good salesman, too. We'll see. I think creating those restraints is huge, too It's just it's to me.

It's like Like prove that you can get to a thousand before a hundred would be really before me doing a hundred would be really cool And if I don't do it Shit, like didn't work, you know, and [00:27:00] you know, I didn't reach the goal that I wanted to, and that's totally fine. Reassess, you know, maybe do another a hundred day challenge with the Chad and or like some other workout and just try to get a thousand people to do that.

Um, I think, uh, but I'm running with where my brain has gone is I get really excited about the idea of challenging other people to reach a new level. And so I think that my whole channel is going to start to exist around that, just challenging people. Yeah. I love that. It definitely, the things that get you fired up are what you should be doing a lot more of too.

But I do think you make a really good point about constraints because I guarantee you that within the next two weeks, you'll get way more people to do the challenge than ever before. Yeah. And I just wonder like, Maybe I'll get you to do it. Like how to do it? We gotta get Ned to make a clip of that. Your face just being like, oh.

Well you called me out so I have to do it now. We need you. No. We need you on TeamSTEPPS. I need it bad, but can constraints are [00:28:00] interest. Sometimes I just wonder like when you hear these people be like, Oh, you could, you know, double your income or lift like double the amount of weight or whatever you, there's this immediate reaction of like, that's not true.

That's not possible. And sometimes I wonder like, has this almost like slowness or these constraints been like strategically programmed into society? Because I do feel like God has made us to just be so powerful. Yeah. Like the reservoir of potential that we all sit on is so crazy. And there have been these crazy things where you're like, Hey, I have to bring in this amount of money by this date.

Otherwise the company is going under and then you miraculously pull it off. I'm like, I feel like that feeling is always possible and those things are always possible. But a lot of times when we need a constraint to do it. So I don't know, have you ever thought about that? Like slowness, like the way that it's just baked in a society?

A hundred percent. Yeah. Like if there was, car that was gonna, like, fall on your family. Yeah. And you had to, like, leg press it off your [00:29:00] family. I would give you a shot to do that. Yeah. At least a better shot of you, like, pressing the same weight in the gym. Point of that is, like, if you raise the stakes, I think you As a person break some of those mental barriers and allow for like extraordinary things to happen in the moment.

Yeah. I think like there's so many things that have just been programed into the way that we think that I'm a much more convicted around the idea of being led by faith instead of led by thoughts that are. Just baked into kind of like what we're what we're taught to believe. Yeah. I don't know if that makes sense Yeah, it makes me wonder like to what you're saying.

I think back to There's like that famous clip that went really viral on Instagram of Tucker Carlson saying how a man will not actualize his true potential in Many different ways until he becomes a father and sometimes I wonder yeah, like I think there's just A fundamental degree of truthness to that statement, but I wonder like, is there a way before you become a [00:30:00] dad, can you get close to, like at least close to that version of yourself?

Or is there something that just changes? I think there's just something biological that changes. Like you're just ability to your need to provide for your family. A thousand percent. Yeah. Could be wrong. Yeah. But we'll check back in in a few years. Your grandpa would have been a really cool guy to ask about that.

Definitely. Yeah, I mean, I just, I think about like people who were, weren't given a pot to piss in. Yeah. And they just, you know, they had kids and they realized that they needed to be more than what they currently were and they stepped up to the occasion. If people aren't given the platform to rise to the occasion, like no stress, no, no pressure to, to do, to do the things that, you know, they need to do.

Yeah. So a lot of like the, you know, middle. portion of America these days is kind of living in that place of, well, have enough. Yeah. [00:31:00] Got food, got, got enough. So, you know, life's pretty comfortable. But you can, you can live an extraordinary life if you can tap into that. I think, I hate the word primal, but I, you know, it's like that, that biological, Feeling of just hey, it's it's fight or flight man.

Get out there and make something happen. Yeah I also want to provide like when I think about my life I want to provide beyond just the means that like I want to Be able to give someone something that they never thought like give someone a gift where they're like, why would you do that? You know, like why are you doing?

Why are you giving? Why are you helping this person in this way? Type of thing like stun someone with generosity. Like that's good. That's good I want to get to the point of financial freedom where I'm like, I don't, I don't necessarily, I don't want a massive house. I don't want really nice things. I want to be able to be insanely generous with time and just the ways that I can like get give to people.[00:32:00]

What was that? Uh, what was that term you use? Something generosity is a really good term. Totally lost. Well, it's a, I'll have to look back. It was a great term. It was a swift burst of inspiration right there too. Yeah. I think that's such a cool goal though. And I think you have to attach yourself. To those dreams and visions when shit starts to get really hard when you're like There's 15 things that I don't want to do today Like remind like we talked about this one of our last solo episodes of like these motivational focal points and sometimes the carrot sometimes It's the stick and both can be really impactful to you.

But like remembering like why do I want to achieve this goal? Oh, it's for X Y Z things And like writing that on a no card or your phone or making it readily available and baking that into your brain when you don't want to do the stuff that you're doing that like me not doing this work is actually preventing me from being able to surprise a family member or friend with like stunning, just stunning generosity.

I need to get better at writing it down. I want [00:33:00] to, yeah, maybe next pod we record all I'm going to have written written down the things stunningly generous with. Cause yeah, I have a few in my mind that are immediately there, but it's just like being able to. Do things that, like, provide for my parents in a way where it's like, dude, you didn't have to do that, or just friends who I know might, might need extra generosity.

Like, I think that extra generosity is where people start to, like, people see God in, in the giving nature of how, of, like, people. Dude, you did what you helped that person out in that way. Wow. So yeah, yeah. I think it's like special being able to do that. It really is. And having that like really honest accountability to have, like, I say that I want these things.

Do I really feel like the actions that I'm taking will back that goal up to turn into existence? Or is it more of just a dream? That's something that's been. Top of mind a lot. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like, I feel like during different seasons, I, I'm definitely like, kind [00:34:00] of like let my feet touch the grass. Like, am I being too dreamy right now?

But I think the more you can live in that, touch the clouds, dream a little bit, and then come back down and be like, okay, like got to work, got to do like all the right things, but you do, you do need the vision, you need the vision to like, see what's possible. Yeah. And you need the action and the body of work.

It's like the perfect blend of those two things too. Totally. But it's like vision and dreaming is huge. Like I don't think enough people have taken a blank piece of paper and actually written out the things that they want in life. Like, how do you want to spend a day? Where do you want to live? Do you want to split time between Austin, Texas and San Diego?

Do you want to have six kids? Do you want to have two kids? What do you want your wife to look like? Who do you want to look like? What do you want to do for work? How do you want to spend your time? I don't think enough of us spend time doing that. And then you just kind of. Get pushed what society deems you should be doing and then you're not happy But you never took the first step in the beginning.

So obviously you just ended up living out someone else's dream Yeah, yeah, it makes me [00:35:00] think of it makes me think of prayer. Honestly, just god god doesn't want you to pray These vague, you know, give me strength. Okay, he wants you to Say exactly what you want. Yeah. What, what is it exactly that you want?

You want the house on the corner that overlooks the ocean. Ask for it. You know, it's like, no, no shame in asking for it. Like, just be as specific as possible in that, in those prayers, when you're asking for, The things that you desire. Uh, I think our hearts can get closed off to big things just based on how the world kind of teaches us to think a little bit smaller.

And I think prayer time for me recently has been trying to just like, Don't feel greedy in asking for things that are amazing, you know, or, or things that are, um, you know, maybe big. Um, yeah, I don't think it's a bad thing. So you'd say your, your prayer styles changed last year where you're like, there's a higher degree of specificity in terms of the things [00:36:00] that you're praying to God about.

It's not perfect, but I, I try to, I try to be as mindful of that as possible. Like sometimes I'll pray out loud and I'm like, ah, man, that was pretty vague. Like it didn't really drive. It wasn't like Steered towards something specific, you know, and I think as specific as you can possibly get is kind of how God like puts that hook in the, in the mouth of like the goal.

Or it's like, I can actually get that for you because you said the exact thing that you're going for. Yeah. I think even you recognizing that's amazing though, right? Where you're like, Hey, maybe I could have been more specific with this, but the important thing is number one, you said it out loud and the number two, you were aware of it too.

So you can make those improvements for the next time you do that too. Yeah. A hundred percent. But I think even outside the context of prayer, like you just, you did a great job of, of just talking about like getting really detailed in what you want in life, like, you know, that you can have whatever belief system you want in that context.

Like, but what is it like [00:37:00] paint the picture, you know? Have the, the vision for your future defined in a way that's like, okay, like I want these things and take incremental steps to get there. Yeah. Um, it, I think now it's like this insane time to live in where if you can be focused, have a vision and have persistence.

So much can work in your favor. Yeah. Um, there's really, I don't know, it's just like, I feel like the spirit of the average person is relatively weak. I, uh, it's, I don't want to be negative, but I think it's easy to outperform these days if you have that like vision and focus and like the conviction to really follow through on it.

Yeah, man. It's, it's really interesting that there is this like cloud of darkness and pessimism around the future in general, where like, Why you and I are sitting in this chair, like so many of the people that we've talked to, you live in a day and age where you can literally spin up a product, talk to a manufacturer, create a Shopify landing page, [00:38:00] cultivate an audience through social media, like shit posting almost.

And you like can build an entire business doing that, like with a digital bank and all these amazing tools that are out there. It's like there have never been more tools available to turn that vision that you have in a reality. And that's why it's, it's tough. Okay. It's like I understand the pessimism, but at the same time, I don't understand how you couldn't just be like eternally optimistic about the future.

Just knowing how much we have available to us at our fingertips. Yeah, totally. That was kind of my point in saying like, like thinking about like Churchill, Columbus, Roosevelt, like Like, come on, those guys were probably having to like, do the craziest stuff on that boat on the voyage across the Atlantic, and like, building the boat?

Like, comparing building that boat To building a website. Bro, imagine building Noah's ark. What was it? 75 years or something like that? 75 years. To build an [00:39:00] ark. Yeah. To last a flood. But it's just, it's a whole different, yeah. It's a whole different minds. Like it's a whole different type of hard and challenge.

Um, so yeah, I think there's like so much opportunity out there. And if you can just sharpen your sword to the point where like, you can make those things that seem like challenges a lot easier, then you're, you're already there. Like you're so far ahead of most people. Yeah, it's interesting too, like, we, I think we also have this bias depending on when we're born.

And the things that we've seen and experienced or forecast that we're going to experience that like nothing like this has ever happened before. And I think back to these insane events that have happened throughout the course of history and then compare what we're going through now to then, because it's so easy to be like, Oh, you know, average empire lasts around 250 years.

You us is on this year and be like, Oh, it must all be collapsing. And then you just think back to some of the adversity and the evil that these past [00:40:00] civilizations triumphed over. Yeah. Yeah. I think the collective consciousness is something that is so powerful. Like we kind of codify these things into existence through just like the, this acceptance.

Like we'll, we'll just be like, yep, societies, you know, historically every 250 years they just collapse. And like, that's going to happen. It's kind of happening right now. And we, You know, instead of kind of putting up the fight, um, I don't know. I don't know if you feel the same way. I really just think if we fix these like fundamental root cause things, people will wake up from this just like cloud of deception or just confusion that we've been faced under.

Like I, I, that's why I think that we really do what we do, um, in terms of just spreading this message around health. Cause I just think that if every person was able to fix their health and reclaim their health, There's just no way that you couldn't be optimistic about the future or like want to have more skin in the game or take more action or be a better parent or a better friend or a better business [00:41:00] owner.

Like I just think about the GDP that would emerge on the back end of us getting our health together outside of how the billions of dollars we would save every year that are currently going towards health care. Yeah. Well, I think just being healthy, you realize you don't need a crazy amount of stuff in order to have a good life.

You know, you can focus on things that are actually fruitful and matter. Relationships, going back to the beginning topic, like relationships. Um, you know, mentoring people and like teaching. This human experience I think is, like, it's not Dude, it's like, most people aren't enjoying it anymore to the extent that I think that we can.

Yeah. Um, yeah, like, dude, the human experience is insane. Yeah. What I'm chasing now is the feeling of, and I felt this a lot in the past and I'm feeling it a lot now too. The feeling of like popping out of bed, fresh start to a day. It doesn't have to be a weekend. It should be [00:42:00] during the week. If you're doing things right where you're just like so grateful, you almost actually want to get on your knees and thank God.

And it sounds like hippy dippy woo woo. But that feeling is actually possible and realizing like you are living and you have this choice every single day to, uh, pursue whatever calling is, is in your life. Like just the magic around that of like enjoying a beautiful cup of coffee with a, with a good friend or conversation or training or a run or being able to be, you know, be part of a great team.

Like that's literally magic, dude. And we just normalize it. A hundred. Dude, that's what I was saying earlier about living in all living at all. That's why I feel like God's gotten ahold of me where it's like the more I Am selective with the words that come out of my mouth the more i'm aware of the thoughts that i'm thinking The more I cut out the things that are just cancerous to my mind The more I just see the world is this This is amazing what we're doing on a day to day basis the experiences We're having you have the capacity to [00:43:00] make every single conversation amazing blessed Like we had a conversation.

I had a conversation the other day with my my buddy shane and I was like I was actually sitting there just like feeling this feeling of euphoria and we had never connected on that level before But the way we were talking we were talking about god. We were talking about faith spirituality his experience his childhood once incredibly deep in the conversation for like three hours and all I could think about was Just the richness of this conversation is worth its weight in gold and it was all Just trapped in the present moment.

Yeah, we weren't looking at our phones. We weren't thinking about other things. It was just Straight up good combo. Mm hmm. And that's I think what a lot of people are missing is just right here right now in this big Black room with these lights like this. This is an amazing, uh, Life that we get to live and just as much as we can live in the present moment We can tap into that goldmine of just like the experience that [00:44:00] we have here.

Yeah There's all these basic moments that I think we're all encountered with every single day And it's really your choice if you want to unlock some magic in that moment Or if you want to just have a crappy attitude around it. It's like it reminds me of Like going into a sales call when I was younger and being like, why do I have to talk to this person?

Versus being like, dude, you literally can bring great, great energy to this conversation. Instead of the pressure you feel selling this person, learn about them, ask really good questions. See if what they need help with is something that your service can offer them. You'll, you potentially will make a new connection.

Oh, and by the way, you could literally get paid commission for talking to people. Like you guys, how lucky you are to be able to do that. And it sounds really sexy on a podcast and sounds really easy to do. It's a lot harder and. In practice, but those types of moments are, you have hundreds of those every single day.

Yeah. They're in, they're just so readily available to you if you're looking for them and you're thinking about applying them. And one thing [00:45:00] I feel like this group that we're in on Thursday is now it's a Bible study group reading through the New Testament chapter by chapter. And part of the group is an application where we take something that we read that stood out to us and we go apply it in the real world.

This is, The living word of God coming into fruition and and actually coming to life in the real world and the other week Mine was to pray for some a random stranger and in that moment I was taught that we have access to this, what we're talking about, just, we have access to these moments at any moment in time, as long as we're like seeking them out and like, we want to have them.

So like going and actually praying over a random stranger to me last week was like a total highlight for me. Cause I was so close to not actually getting that application in and doing the, doing the work that I said I was going to do. But then when I did it, it was just a reminder that we have this, like [00:46:00] this well of life.

Of just going and giving and doing and being there for other people, but doing it from the place of like, I'm going to go find like, what is true, like these ways to connect with people through our faith, our shared faith and like, go connect with people. So yeah, I think that there's so much power in that.

I think what's encouraging about what you're saying too, is like, it's really a choice that you have, which I always think is like the most encouraging thing because it's so easy to hear this and. So good. Yeah. But like. My apartment's a piece of shit and I hate my job and whatever. And it's like, dude, if you just like flip that mindset and just try and cult, like magic could literally be having a really crappy apartment with dishes in the sink and just finally like making that decision to clean all your dishes and you get that like healthy dopamine hit of like finally doing that thing for the first time.

Or like maybe you decide to go back to the gym for the first time or like in the office you decide to have one really positive interaction with like a [00:47:00] co founder that you have or a coworker that you haven't spoken to in a long time. And then it's like that one thing just pops. And then you realize like, Hey, how do I now apply this a thousand times over?

Like that's all it takes dude. It'll be that little mustard seed. It's like this blank canvas that exists and you just choose to like put a brushstroke on the. On the page and like make something happen. Um, yeah, it's, it's insane. One of the things that I feel like you are just so naturally, you gravitate towards these icons, these people who've just lived insanely, uh, monumental and incredible lives.

And I just, I feel like it inspires me so much just seeing how you like pull inspiration from those, from these types of people. And one of the things I feel like. That the people that you are drawn to do is they live life where it seems like there's almost something magical happening. Yeah Do you feel that way like the the way you resonate with those types of people?

And maybe you can name a few of the [00:48:00] ones that like stand out to you But like you just you have this like this This draw to these people who have just lived magical lives. And I think it's really cool. Yeah. Well, I think, I think autobiographies are one of the most like under appreciated, like heart highest ROI investments that you can actually make in books.

I went through this phase like six months ago where I think I had a year during COVID where I read like a hundred plus books, a lot of them around like business and personal development, self improvement. And I kind of had this epiphany moment of like, what? This book is really good, but what is the body of work?

Like what's the author's body of work? For whatever reason, that really resonated with me. And then when I started listening to Founders Podcast with David Senra, I'm like, autobiographies intuitively make so much sense. Like, shouldn't I be learning from the men and women that, Made a dent throughout the course of history and I can buy that book about this person, you know, Teddy Roosevelt You know Alexander the Great Sam Walton whoever and for 20 bucks I can [00:49:00] learn the mistakes that they made the things that they did to make themselves successful their unconventional practices I don't know I just had this epiphany moment and I think one of the best things you learn is that Your challenges and adversity aren't special.

They're not unique to you. Like every single person that did something great overcame like insurmountable odds. You know, like James Dyson, that was one of my favorite founders podcast ever took him 10, 000 prototypes to create the first sellable Dyson vacuum. The guy remortgages house five times. He's worth 30 billion now.

Like you see James Dyson at 30 billion. What do you think he was like when he was a father of two kids and he had to remortgage his house for the third time? You think you probably felt like a failure. You think you probably felt like shit. You think you probably wanted to throw in the towel. Um, so that's, that's an option.

Did he have an option? Like, you know, you, you put, you see those stories and you're just like, I can do so much more. Yes. And I can handle so much more, not risk. I can handle so much more pain. Our pain tolerance is [00:50:00] large. As long as we still have that persistence to push through it. Yeah. So it's like, to your point, if you want to be.

The unconventional person, or you want to be the dreamer or the black sheep. It's like, well, number one, you should probably learn from those people that did those things better than anyone, because you'll probably pull out some practices to apply in your life. And the difficult part is step two, which is actually applying those things where like you and I could read 50 autobiographies together on 50 different founders, but the application, like it just, that application, it just sucks.

And it's hard, but it's like reminding yourself in that moment. This suck feeling that I, that I feel is actually like that's where the greatness is going to come on the other end of that too. Totally. And you just have to pay, you have to pay the piper. Dude, everything circles back to the application. I'm so glad you, you brought it back to that just because action is, it's legitimately the only thing that matters.

Yeah. Like it's the only thing that weighs an out like anything. Think theory is just, [00:51:00] Like there's so many just people that I've talked to and I do I used to be the same way and I still am I Fight fight it every single day. It's like fighting just take action. Yeah, you know, it's like you can get just caught up in these mental little traps that we play with, with ourselves.

But the sooner that you can just put that action into motion and just take this, like take that initial swing. Um, that's where all the magic happens. Yeah. It's like the, uh, the great idea, like the, let's, let's say the Chad, the challenge, the Chad sounds great when you're juiced and you just got out of the cold plunge and you showered and you're in your comfy clothes and you're thinking about all the people you're going to impact and how good the shape you're going to be in afterwards.

And then the reality of the chat is like, it's day 45. You didn't get to do it in the morning. It's six o'clock in the afternoon. It's 99 degrees in Austin, Texas. You got to put a weight sack on and the 20 inch bench or whatever it is, or the box. And then the feeling of like, Oh my [00:52:00] God, I don't want to do this.

But then it's like recognizing the feeling of, Oh, I don't want to do this. So I have to do it. Yeah. A hundred percent. I just, I've been thinking about that idea of action so much recently. So much. It's been just hitting you in the face. Yeah, I don't know. It's just I think even It's come up a lot with the faith conversation for me Just you know friends kind of wrestling with the idea of like I'm not sure if I'm a believer yet Like I still have questions and to me My the ultimate challenge is like just take some of this stuff in here in this book Yeah, and just go do it and let me know like What happens after you start, instead of just reading the Bible, start doing the Bible and start putting that's the the words into Actual action.

Yeah, bring it to life and let me know if if there's fruit there [00:53:00] That's I think the ultimate test. I think it's like Romans 12 to it just talks about you know Applying it and putting it into action and then you know seeing the will of God for yourself That's where that's ultimately what The whole, I think, point.

Of following Jesus is like you see see the tangible evidence for yourself Of what what it means to live a good life? Yeah, it's like the feeling of you know You're in the prayer circle and it's your turn to pray or someone asks for prayer and your your heart Closes up or your throat closes up or you're in a situation Maybe it's like a Q and a talk with a speaker that you've admired and they asked to open up for questions and you swore yourself, you swore that you were going to be the first person and then no one's hands going up and you're like, ah, I should shoot it up.

But it feels like your hands paralyzed. It's like recognizing in those moments that you almost have to liken that feeling to a roller coaster. Like when you're going up, you have the same feeling and then it starts to go back down [00:54:00] and you're just so amazed by that overall experience. It's like recognizing that's kind of like your roller coaster moment too.

And No one's going to pull your hand up for you. It's not going to feel good in the moment, but afterwards you're going to be so proud of yourself. Yeah. What would your life and my life look like right now? If every time we had one of those instances where we knew we felt compelled to do something yet we pulled back because we felt that the confrontation up against that resistance in the wall, what would our lives look like?

If we actually every single time just went ahead and said, Oh I'm going to stand up and ask the question to the big speaker or I'm going to go, you know. I'm going to go actually go shake that guy's hand who works for a company that I want to work for or whatever it is. Yeah. Predictable misery, maybe even like cowardice too.

I think the worst feeling is. knowing that you have the tools and the knowledge, but then being, I think the worst place you can be in is being ambitious and having the tools and the knowledge and then not applying it. I think that's a really bad spot for people to get into. Yeah. [00:55:00] But what, how different could your life look?

I think about like upside reject ability of like, Oh dude, like just the image in my head of like myself every time I've been confronted with that, you know, Oh, you should do that. Didn't do it. How, if I had actually just accepted the challenge, accepted the invitation to go do that thing that I know I could and should do.

Yeah. You'd be back in Boston pushing papers, honestly. Like if you like the, um, I mean how this whole thing started was it wasn't just the Ironman. It was, it was the Ironman, but it was in tandem of you going out on a limb to apply to Justin Maris's chief of staff role for Kettle and Fire at the time.

Dude, I remember my friend. Matthew sending he forwarded me the email and the email said if you know a friend who's in ketosis right now Forward this to him or them. I'm hiring a chief of staff And he forwarded it to me. Yeah, dude, if he hadn't afforded that to me Uh, [00:56:00] who knows? Yeah. I don't know where I would be

Yeah. And then you took action and had the balls to actually apply for it too. But the amount of times in my life where I haven't actually pursued the action, which is so it's like gets a meta, but it's like the amount of times I haven't pursued that action also kind of, you know, sits with me. It's like, and I think this is the, the embodiment of being led by faith, knowing when you are being called into something.

Mm-Hmm. and actually taking action on it is. Just like that's where I want to live. I want to live in that moment. I want to live where like I, I know when I'm being called into something and I just go for it. And you know when I think the perfect analogy is like, you know, you're sitting there Someone just gave an amazing keynote address and you're too nervous to ask the question.

It's like no, go ask the question, dude. Yeah, so the gravitas behind that is so important because had you not done that Because we were going to do, for the listener, we were going to do Ironman Mont Tremblant in Canada, which got cancelled. We were looking at doing different races because you wanted to do something [00:57:00] closer to Virginia so your family could go.

I want to do Florida. We probably would have done it separately. So we, number one, we never would have had that experience. And then look at every ripple that came from us coming to Austin. It's like, not just what we're doing, you and me here in the friendship and the businesses, but like the friends, the church community, your relationship with Christ, like all this, this beautiful serendipity that's come from that literally wouldn't have happened.

Had you not applied to that role and think about how many other moments that could be that impactful ripple throughout your day. So that's why it's like, it seems like a small thing, but it's actually could be a really big thing on the other end of you, like choosing to introduce yourself to that person or not.

Absolutely. Life changing. That's I think a Testament to like doubt. Being one of the many tools of the devil in terms of suppressing our ability to actually reach and fulfill our true potential as men and as women is Like he wants you playing scared. He wants you being [00:58:00] fearful. He wants you being doubtful He wants you thinking that there's nothing to be gained from taking that risk or going and applying for the job that you have No, right getting an email back for yeah, like that's literally how he wants you to think.

Yeah. Yeah fear is really um A tool to keep yourself Have you gotten into any of CS Lewis's stuff? I know I want letters or anything like that No, I want you to and I just I kind of only just loosely know the premise of some of I think it's screw tape Letters, it might be another one of his books But he basically wrote a book based on like what the devil's right hand man or like something like that Like what he would want you to think.

Hmm. I think it's like such an interesting premise. I think that's it Someone's listening. No, it's easy. No, exactly. Yeah, Noah Huseman fact check, please Sometimes I think about like laziness or making the wrong decisions as being satanic too, and that's a motivator for me a hundred percent A hundred percent laziness is [00:59:00] you know, there's there's like a place for rest Mm hmm, which is I think like a lot of these conversations are so important because intentional rest is godly Laziness is satanic.

Yeah, there's a difference. But like what are they? Yeah, you know My problem is intentional rest when I don't deserve it Why don't you think you deserve it? Well, it's like if I put in a really, if I put in a really good effort or week of work rest a hundred percent, like Friday, I didn't work out. I just did a high yoga class.

It felt so good and restorative. And I'm like, this needs to be a staple every Friday or at least one day a week. But it's the feeling of like, I have this stuff that I should be doing, but then I didn't apply myself. So I feel like I didn't earn the rest at the same time. Yeah, definitely. So that's, that's, it's just motivating to me where I'm like, sometimes I'm, I think like The devil wants me to snooze at four 30 in the morning.

Like the devil doesn't want me to eat these nutrient dense foods. The devil doesn't want me to reach out to a [01:00:00] friend that's been on my heart or the devil doesn't want me to pray in public. He just wants me to like play down to this like weak version of myself because I'm not, I'm not hitting against his team if I'm just like playing down to this watered down version of myself.

Totally. Yeah. We really don't know the effect that we're having through like continually making bold choices and taking that action. And doing things that are like overcoming these fears and doubts. Like it's all just an example. To yourself that you're capable of so much more but then people are bearing witness to you, you know Taking bold action and being courageous and that that I think is like a gift to people around you It's like oh man, I can do that.

Sure. Yeah, I can. Yeah, I can go pray in public I can go um You know, get up early and get a workout in. Those things are all possible for me. So I think it's such, it's such a powerful testament to not forgetting that people are watching and it's important to, it's not, [01:01:00] it's not to do that. It's not to get other people's attention, like for external validation or anything like that.

But it's, it's a, that's a fruit of living your life. those hard challenges. There's people that will benefit from it. Yeah. It's a fruit because I don't think that there's probably a better feeling than being on your deathbed about to pass away and being like, I don't think I could have done anything more, man.

I juice this. Yeah. Ring the bell. Yeah. Well bro, we're coming up on an hour. Um, I feel like the hour flew by. I love the fact that this wasn't planned. I think there were a lot of things that you said that, I needed to hear and I think there were a lot of things that I was saying that I honestly I'm like reinforcing it myself Too like it's a constant process, bro.

Yeah, I think these are just if any if no one's listening to this It's at least just good. Uh good brother time being able to like just lean in and remind each other that you know One hour out of every week can be enough of a [01:02:00] reprogram for us to just continue to hit it hard Yeah, I'm recording this at Media Pouch on the east side of town.

I just feel like the conversations in here are amazing. If there's any podcasters that are looking for a studio to rent in Austin, this place is spectacular. Yeah, it's a perfect, you know, 8x8 black box that just gets you in the zone. Maybe 10x10. Make these ugly mugs look less ugly too, which is, which is a tough task.

Yeah. But moral of the story is life is crazy. It's beautiful. A lot of, a lot of, uh, interesting things going to happen the next couple of months, but it's all, it's all your choice and the way you choose to attack life, live in all live in amazement. That's it. That's it. All right. See you next time, brother.

Creators and Guests

Brett Ender 🥩⚡️
Brett Ender 🥩⚡️
The food system is corrupt and trying to poison us... I will teach you how to fight back. Co-Host of @themeatmafiapod 🥩
Harry Gray 🥩⚡️
Harry Gray 🥩⚡️
Leading the Red Meat Renaissance 🥩 ⚡️| Co-Host of @themeatmafiapod
Is Modern Life Making Us Weaker Or Stronger? w/ Brett & Harry | MMP #365
Broadcast by